Planned, Unplanned Shoes: Laces Help Please: UPDATE!!!

Pics #1 to #3:. New cream low heeled boots: PLANNED and on my shopping list. I needed something just a little lower than my cream Aquatalias. Vince Camuto. VERY comfy and well made! Fit my low volume feet well. I passed on a pair of old cream boots last year so these took their place.

 **This was a priority purchase because cream boots are an essential for my style. 

Pics #4 to #6: New light blue sneakers. UNPLANNED, and a perfect match with my light blue satchel and specs! Irresistible. Since I passed on two pairs of ripped-up sneakers in January - (my walking lifestyle in the elements is hard on shoes!) - there is plenty of room for these. Gum soles are a nice bit of evolved bookending with my dark blonde hair. Added insoles to make them fit. Not as comfy as my ECCOs but comfy enough. 

QUESTION: Ridiculously long laces. Looks unpolished to my eye. Can't tuck them away. Any tips on how to shorten them? 

Thanks! xo

Update: Chopped inches off the laces! Heat set the aglets onto the shorter laces. SO MUCH BETTER :) (Pics #7 and #8).

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  • Lisa replied 3 months ago

    The new cream boots are a perfect replacement! I really appreciate the lower heel on them and the shape of the toe.

    You had me with colorful fashion sneakers! I have run into the long laces thing before too. A few of my tricks to hide the laces (I have no tricks to shorten them):

    • Double knot when tying the bow
    • Hide the laces under the sides of the tongue
    • Hide the bow behind the tongue
    • Hide the laces under the sole (or in your case, under the inserts) (Superga's and Vans are known for a nontraditional lace up style called bar lacing that works well for making the sneakers a slip on style)
    • Knot each lace under the eyelet

    I've read about lace anchors but never tried them.

  • K. Period. replied 3 months ago

    Love those boots! <3 

    I've always just purchased new shoelaces, but this made me think. I recently used some heat shrink tubing to restore a frayed usb cord. I was betting that there was a heat-shrink tubing that you could buy to replace the aglets on your shoelaces. And there is!

    I haven't tried these, but I'd definitely start by threading your existing shoelace with the aglet still in place through the tube and then shrinking it before cutting. I think it would be a lot harder to get the lace through the tubing if you cut it first.   

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Thanks, Lisa! Appreciate your detailed trouble shooting, and kind words :)

    I can't tuck the laces away, unfortunately. Tried it. They just fall out, and feel uncomfy when they're tucked. They are sooooo long! And I have very fussy feet :( - so the slightest bump creates a reaction. 

    Maybe I should get new shorter laces? 

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Thanks, K! Very interesting.

    Does the heat shrinking only work when the laces are nylon? Mine are cotton. 

  • K. Period. replied 3 months ago

    It should work regardless of what the lace is made of since you aren't shrinking the lace, just the replacement aglet shrink tubing to make a new lace end. The new tubing replaces the plastic aglet on the end of the lace right now. 

  • unfrumped replied 3 months ago

    I haven’t looked for any like yours, but Amazon has a gazillion shoelaces. I would measure yours & also compare to some you have that seem right length, material- flat cotton-and search for the closest size & material.
    I seem to recall that some cobblers have the equipment to put new little doohickies on after shortening.

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    K, so do I cut the laces to the desired length, and put on the new tubing? 

    Thanks, unfrumped! I'll try K's method first :) 

  • Katerina replied 3 months ago

    Love both pairs for you! The boots are lovely and such a signature style for you. Perfection. Sweet crisp sneakers - another perfection. I admire that your purchases are always so on point - planned or unplanned. Masterful!

  • Katerina replied 3 months ago

    Oh, sorry… I have no clue as how to handle the shoe laces, but you have got some good advice here.

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Katerina, what a sweet comment! Thank you! I'm blushing :) 

  • pil replied 3 months ago

    No idea about the shoelaces but those boots are absolutely swoon worthy!

  • Jaime replied 3 months ago

    Gorgeous and perfect for you picks! I would immediately go to changing the laces, but I appreciate the creative solutions above. Hmm, maybe shoelaces are (or should be) the next big accessory. 

  • Lisa replied 3 months ago

    A shame tucking or hiding away the laces won't work, but I am intrigued by K. Period's suggestion. 

  • Sal replied 3 months ago

    Great choices of footwear - can see them seamlessly integrating into the wardrobe.  Good luck with the laces!!

  • JAileen replied 3 months ago

    Both pairs of shoes are great!  I have a light blue Furla, too, and my matching sneakers are Onitsuka Tigers.  If the shortening thing doesn’t work, I’ve bought lots of laces on Amazon: flat, round, all colors and all lengths.

  • karen23 replied 3 months ago

    If the laces are way too long, I would buy laces the next size shorter and switch them out.

  • Brooklyn replied 3 months ago

    No help but the shoes look good!

  • Suntiger replied 3 months ago

    Welcome to team gumsoles, and yes to just replacing laces! Soooo glad they're finally available again :)

  • Janet replied 3 months ago

    I have shortened laces before, on a pair of tall boots, and gotten replacement shrink-to-fit aglets, but they were black and probably a bit more forgiving. For sneakers and light laces, though, I’d probably just order new laces in the proper length. I have this problem with a lot of laces (narrow foot people problems?), but usually just double knot and/or use a lacing style that takes up more of the lace.

    Those are really cute blue sneakers!

  • Jules replied 3 months ago

    Since K hasn't come back I'll weigh in that I think she was suggesting you thread the laces through the tubing before you cut off the thinner ends, because it would be difficult to do so after. It's a great idea and I can see why you want to keep those creamy off white laces - very cute shoes.

    I'm a bit gratified to learn that tucking laces isn't always a solution - they don't stay put and aren't comfortable when I've tried it.

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Thanks, everyone! Appreciate the kind words. 

    For those suggesting I change the laces - I'll do so as a last resort. I've done that in the past, but find that the laces are never as good a match as the ones that come with the shoes. 

    Lisa, tucking laces seems to work when the laces are shorter, although I do find the bumps uncomfy, even then! I will enjoy tucked laces on you :) 

    Jules, thanks for the explanation! I'm running with it :)

    Suntiger, gum soles provide good bookending with my new dark hair! 

    Off to work with a client.

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 3 months ago

    Nice finds, Angie! And thanks to K.Period for the lace-end product. I've collected the Find you created, Angie, for future reference.

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Thanks, Sharan! It's a great hack to keep in mind :)

    Update: Chopped inches off the laces! Heat set the aglets onto the shorter laces. SO MUCH BETTER :) 

  • Jenni NZ replied 3 months ago

    Fantastic! It was such a good idea from K. Period.
    I will try to remember in case I ever need to do similar!
    Lovely boots and sneakers. I’m sorry about the Aquatalias now seeming a little too high?

  • Lisa replied 3 months ago

    That's awesome! I'm going to keep that in mind next time my laces are too long because sometimes tucking doesn't work. What a great suggestion from K. Period!

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Lisa, yes! Now you can use either lace shortening strategy as desired :) 

    Jenni, I wore my Aquatalias out with a client all day yesterday, and they were great!  (Find #1). But I don't want that heel height to be my default when I wear cream boots - which is most days for six months. Hence the addition of the even lower heels. 

  • Jules replied 3 months ago

    What a great hack! Looking good.

  • K. Period. replied 3 months ago

    Yay!!! I’m so glad it worked!

  • bella replied 3 months ago

    Very pretty sneakers. And colored suede is right on trend! 

  • Jenni NZ replied 3 months ago

    It’s funny Angie, in the Finds the heel height looks the same!

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Thanks, K and Jules, for the great idea and explanations! 

    Bella, nice to see you chime in. 

    Jenni, I know, right!? Those wretched deceiving stock photos :( The Vince Camutos are half an inch lower. Makes a difference for my feet :) 


    Here's a better pic of their lower height - pic, compared to the Aquatalias in Finds. 

  • Wren replied 3 months ago

    The suggestion by 

    K. Period. to resize the shoelaces by using heat-shrink aglets was brilliant! I'm glad you were able to do such a good job with the task. The colour of the laces is perfect, and now the length is perfect too. I learn so much on this site.

  • RobinF replied 3 months ago

    Love both of these pairs! The boots are beautiful and such a signature for you. I also love gum sole sneakers and have been low-key looking for some for a while. Glad the tie shortening worked!

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Wren and RobinF, thanks for the kind words :)  

  • sabimct replied 3 months ago

    Those new footwear purchases are divine!

    I too agree that the original laces almost always look better, and I am delighted to hear of this shortening hack.   I will be employing this!

  • Suz replied 3 months ago

    Those are great boots! And what a fantastic solution to the laces problem. Love the sneakers! 

  • Eliza replied 3 months ago

    Beautiful boots, Angie. Such a find, especially when you have fussy feet.

    I have off-white Aquatalia boots and have celebrated how well they perform in my wet, sometimes slushy or snowy, weather. Hope you enjoy yours.

  • Dana replied 3 months ago

    Angie, you are going to LOVE those Dolce Vita sneakers!! I have 2 pairs (different styles) and adore them--we are foot twins. I've been thinking of the spearmint ones in your style, but have kind of forgotten about them since I've been spending sooo much $$ and don't REALLYneed them. 

    Do you think our Sam Eddleman(?) twin lace up cream booties are still in style? I'm not really seeing them much in stores. They've never been my absolute favorites, but I like them...otherwise I'll need to find cream booties for my NEW Favorite Daughter winter white pants, but don't really want to spend the $$.

    I just bought some Veronica Beard tall boots $$$$ that are TDF!!! Finally a tall boot that fits my skinny calves! 

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Thanks, everyone! 

    Sabimct, it's worth the effort hacking the original laces that look like they were meant for the shoes :)

    Suz, appreciate the cheerleading!

    Dana, waving at my foot twin, and good to know! 

    YES to your question. Completely weatherproof, comfy and awesome. How can our SE booties not be in style! They are KILLER haute hiking boots for woodsy walks with Sam and Jo :) - also, I'd love to see which VB tall boots you got. They sound amazing! 

  • Angie replied 3 months ago

    Try these cream boots for your pants:

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